It's spring!!! Break out the pastels!

Wow, two posts in a row!??! *gasp* Yes yes, 'tis true! I have 2 days off in a row so I'm gonna make the most of it!
So I mentioned before about my mom buying me a China Glaze Pastel Kit from Winners. Here it is!

From top to bottom, left to right: 
Something Sweet - pastel pink
Light as Air - pastel lavender
Re-Fresh Mint - pastel green
Peachy Keen - pastel peach
Lemon Fizz - pastel yellow
Bahamian Escape - pastel blue

All of them except for Bahamian Escape are from the Up & Away Pastels from the Spring 2010 collection. Bahamian Escape is from the Bahama Blues Collection from Winter 2008.

I've only tried Peachy Keen so far and application is ok. It's a pastel so I didn't have high hopes lol. I'm excited to try all the other ones!

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